SDL Web 8 - How to map ECL external metadata to your view model

The problem An ECL item has an external metadata defined. The values in this metadata are not easily accessible within DD4T 2. I’m expecting to easily bind these values in...

Split Large Text File using PowerShell

Scenario: You need to view a large log file (2GB+) and circumstances won’t allow you to download tools online (i.e. security policies). The usual file editors such as Notepad and...

SDL Web 8 - Content Model in DD4T 2 (.NET)

This is a personal reference guide which I use to remind myself the different types of attributes available in DD4T 2 that I can use for my models. Basic [ContentModel("basic",...

SDL Web 8 - How to get custom ECL metadata exposed?

In your ECL implementation, you define your metadata’s XML schema: public ISchemaDefinition MetadataXmlSchema { get { var schemaDefinition = Media.HostServices.CreateSchemaDefinition("MediaItemMetadata", "ecl:CustomMediaProvider"); schemaDefinition.Fields.Add( Media.HostServices.CreateSingleLineTextFieldDefinition("title", "Title")); schemaDefinition.Fields.Add( Media.HostServices.CreateNumberFieldDefinition("id", "Id")); return schemaDefinition; }...

SDL Web 8.5 - Disable Font and Font Size in Rich Text Field

Open up the schema with a rich text field. Select the field and click on “Edit Formatting Features”. Unselect “Text Color”. Save the schema and open a component using this...