SDL Web 8 - How to get custom ECL metadata exposed?

In your ECL implementation, you define your metadata’s XML schema:

public ISchemaDefinition MetadataXmlSchema
        var schemaDefinition = Media.HostServices.CreateSchemaDefinition("MediaItemMetadata", "ecl:CustomMediaProvider");
            Media.HostServices.CreateSingleLineTextFieldDefinition("title", "Title"));
            Media.HostServices.CreateNumberFieldDefinition("id", "Id"));
        return schemaDefinition;

Another property will populate this schema:

public string MetadataXml
        var xNamespace = "ecl:CustomMediaProvider";
        var data = new XElement(xNamespace + "MediaItemMetadata");
        var xhtmlNs = "";
        data.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns) + "x", xhtmlNs.NamespaceName));
        XElement xElement;
        xElement = GetHtmlFieldXml(_mediaItem.Name, xhtmlNs).Root;
        if (xElement != null)
            data.Add(new XElement(xNamespace + "Title", xElement.Nodes()));
        return data.ToString();
private XDocument GetHtmlFieldXml(string fieldName, XNamespace xmlNamespace)
    HtmlDocument html = new HtmlDocument();
    html.LoadHtml("<body>" + fieldValue + "</body>");
    html.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = true;
    html.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sb))
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(sb.ToString());
    foreach (XElement x in doc.Descendants())
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name.NamespaceName))
            x.Name = xmlNamespace + x.Name.LocalName;
    return doc;

Deploy this in your DEV environment ~/ProgramData/SDL/SDL Tridion/External Content Library/AddInPipeline/Addins/CustomProvider and restart your SDL services. You should now be able to see the change reflected in SDL Web.

Simply add this multimedia image to a component with a component presentation using DD4T’s dynamic generate content and you should now be able to see this content on your web app.