Ambient Data Framework Throwing 500 Error

A content editor raised that we’re getting a plain text JSON message displayed if an incorrect query string is passed in our site:

This results in:


Inspecting the log file cd_client.log, I found this error message:

ERROR [Sdl.Web.Delivery.ADF.AmbientRuntime.OnRequestStart] - Problem EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue, value, Boolean add) at Sdl.Web.Delivery.ADF.AmbientRuntime.SetWebRequestClaims(HttpRequest request, IClaimStore claimStore) at Sdl.Web.Delivery.ADF.AmbientRuntime.OnRequestStart(HttpApplication application, HttpContext context, IClaimStore claimStore, ISet`1 templateReadOnlyClaims, ISet`1 templateImmutableClaims, ISet`1 templateSessionScopeClaims, Boolean dispatchOdataRequest) ERROR: [Sdl.Web.Delivery.ADF.AmbientRuntime.OnRequestStart] - > Setting status code:500


Due to the nature of the error, I disabled ADF from the web.config and the page renders correctly despite having an incorrect query string.

So the issue is within ADF, I re-enabled it and attempted to step through my PageController in an attempt to see where this is referenced from but no luck.

I had a look at the we app’s logs but found no error related to ADF. I then hada look at ADF’s documentation to see if there’s anything in the cd_ambient_conf.xml that would help but still no luck.

I reached out to SDL’s support and they confirmed that it’s an issue on their side.


SDL have released the hotfix CD_8.5.0.6337 which resolved the issue. This can be found here.